Brand Strategy To Enhance The Core Values Of Solar Panel Manufacturing
To develop and provide reliable digital video content on maternity and also to explain the various benefits of the MAMANET app – a multi-dimensional app for women.
Internal Audience: Self esteem is created among woman of all ages especially pregnant women to enhance the brand perception.
External Audience: To create awareness in pregnant women and consumers regarding how the app sheds some light and knowledge on maternity and also to understand the best ways to take care of oneself during pregnancy.
Study on the real sources of how the app could be made useful for pregnant women around the world was gathered from professional experts, doctors and research scientists. Also, knowledge acquired from the consumers who have used mamanet app has helped in our research strategies.
We also made the evaluation based on the research reports from various online tools on maternity and also finding the most searched video content on pregnancy to come to a better analysis of the app. Thus, taking these resources as main, we have addressed the benefits of the app and created a user friendly app experience.
Our ultimate end goal was to create impact on sales and to pique curiosity in pregnant women, in order to make them better understand what happens during each phase of pregnancy and also to create awareness about maternity. We took measures to initiate communication directly to increase revenue figures. We have so far worked on big data, digital metrics and online engagement date to drive the communication for campaign effectiveness.
Our responsibility was to work on the promotion, content creation and brand authentication. For this, we required certain elements to prove it all. As a digital marketing company, we had to ensure on profits and communication to be cost effective. So as per our research, we arrived with an intriguing content to engage social media presence which made for a better communication and explained all the symptoms, different stages of pregnancy, also the various benefits and uses of mamanet app. We worked together with the client to drive the short term and long term revenue campaign and made the communication simple, clear and compelling.
Our success can be measured in various aspects of the campaign, but we as EFFE focused mainly on creating awareness for pregnant women and also we engaged the users to relate with the app so as to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. For more effective communication, we created some winning digital strategies and also used some elements from 3D which represented the app, along with advice from experts. This helped us further to convey the right message from the brand easily to the audience, thus making them aware of the benefits of using the mamanet app.